Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Showing Kindness To Christ Through Hospitality


Discipleship: Winning Souls for Christ

Disciples' Network

The Disciples’ Network’s visit to Ocean Road Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on October 29, 2023 was a testament to the power of hospitality and compassion. With a team of 10 people, the Disciples Network showed mercy and caring to the sick and ill patients, bringing them comfort and hope. In addition to providing material support. They also prayed for the patients and offered them words of encouragement. This is a crucial aspect of hospitality, as it shows that they met patients’ physical needs, but also their emotional and spiritual needs. Patient’s their at ocean Road they felt so loved and valued.  We can all show hospitality to the sick and needy in our own unique way. No matter how small the act, it can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Looking After Christ

When we open our homes and hearts to others, we are showing them the love of Christ. This can be a powerful invitation to those who are new to faith or who are struggling in their walk with God. When we show kindness to others through hospitality, we are not only ministering to them, but we are also ministering to Christ. Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV). Jesus identifies with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the prisoner. When we show kindness to these people, we are showing kindness to Christ himself.

Reflecting Discipleship

Hospitality is a way of showing love of Christ. We should put our heart focused on people. This means that we are called to love and serve others, especially those who are in need.  When we welcome others into our homes and hearts, we are showing them the love of Christ. Jesus’ heart was focused on the people. He spent his time with the

Disciples' Network

poor and the sick.  He showed them compassion and mercy. He healed their bodies and their spirits. He taught them about the love of God. As disciples of Christ, we are called to follow his example. This means that we should also focus our hearts on the people. We should show them compassion and serve them in love.

The Disciples’ Network puts discipleship into action by focusing on the people through caring, showing love and mercy, especially to those in need. They do this by visiting prisoners, orphans, elders and disabled people. Visiting people in need is a way of showing them the love of Jesus. It is also a way of winning their souls. When we show people the love of Christ, they are more likely to be open to hearing the gospel message.

Our expectations in this Month

November is a special month for the Disciples Network, as it is our month of Discipleship and evangelism. During this month, we focus on sharing the love of Christ by visiting prisons, orphanages, and other center’s where people in need are located. We believe that evangelism is not just about sharing information about Jesus Christ. It is also about showing His love to others in practical ways. When we meet the needs of others and share the love of Christ with them, we are reflecting the image of God.

If you are inspired by our mission and wish to become part of our community, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. You can contact us through our listed email or call us at +255 754 999 198.